Should an evacuation of the building due to a fire, bomb threat, or other emergency arise, the following procedures are to be observed. You will also receive instructions through the building emergency paging system.
- Evacuation will proceed down the stairway to the lobby level unless directed otherwise.
- Elevators are not to be used for evacuation. In the event of an emergency, elevators are programmed to go to the lobby level and will not respond to a call.
- If there are handicapped individuals on your floor, Police or Fire Department personnel will provide assistance by evacuating down the stairwell.
- Unless you have Fire Warden responsibilities, go immediately to the nearest stairway and evacuate the area.
- If evacuation of additional floors becomes necessary, the floors closest to the emergency will be evacuated next.
- Do not call the Management Office as they will be coordinating with the Fire Department and Engineering staff.